int/ext Communications AG

int/ext helps companies, organizations and executives achieve goals and mitigate risks through state-of-the-art reputation management.
We analyse the reputation of your organization, your strategic goals and the intentions of important stakeholders. By thinking in scenarios, we localize opportunities and keep an eye on risks. We develop plans that we implement for you and your good reputation, including in key areas such as ESG and public affairs. Our communications professionals facilitate an online and offline discourse that enables positive change. We give your team the skills and tools to survive in an unpredictable world and in crises.
Michael Felber, MA, Partner
Studied business administration with focus on media and communications management at the University of St. Gallen. Brief initial stint with int/ext as junior consultant, followed by an extended stay in the USA working in product management and sales at the Red Herring events and publishing group. Most recently responsible for corporate and marketing communications at Swiss software companies Whitestein Technologies and Expersoft Systems for several years.
(T) +41-61-264 88 07 (E)
Claudia Bracher Wolfensberger, Certified PR Consultant, Partner
Training with a focus on marketing and corporate communications. After several years in media marketing, held various managerial tasks in the logistics sector. Head of Corporate Communications at Deutsche Post (Switzerland) and Rhenus Alpina. Lecturer and expert for various Swiss federal diploma examinations in the field of communications. (T) +41-61-264 84 11 (E) claudia.bracher(at)
Martin Huschke, MA, Partner
Studied German literature, linguistics and media sciences at the University of Basel while freelancing as a copywriter, journalist and lecturer. Project manager and Head of Marketing and Sales in a scientific publishing house. (T) +41-61-264 88 08 (E) martin.huschke(at)